Creatine for the Brain & Brain Fog

Creatine for the Brain & Brain Fog


One of our goals here at CVD Labs is to bring products to market backed by the best research to ensure our loyal customers are getting the very best supplements possible. One example of this is our inclusion of Creatine in the Brain Variant.  Creatine you ask, “isn’t that for bodybuilders?” It’s true, you won’t find any other nootropic or Brain Fog product on the market with Creatine in the formula. Maybe they will catch up with the latest research.

A new meta-analysis titled “‘Heads Up’ for Creatine Supplementation and its Potential Applications for Brain Health and Function” was just published in the Journal Sports Medicine and it did a fantastic job summarizing the new research on Creatine and cognitive function.  The results may surprise you. In looking at over 166 scientific papers on Creatine the authors found the following Brain & Cognitive benefits to Creatine supplementation:

* Creatine plays a critical role in the optimal functioning of the human brain.. accounting for about 20% of the body’s energy consumption;

* Low brain creatine accompanies several neurodegenerative disorders, with a magnitude of creatine shortfall often corresponding to a disorder’s severity;

* Creatine supplementation can positively affect brain creatine levels;

* Creatine supplementation can improve memory (forward number recall, backward and forward spatial recall, and long-term memory);

* Creatine supplementation can reduce mental fatigue;

* Creatine supplementation can augment measures of cognitive function when brain bioenergetics are challenged, such as with sleep deprivation, mental fatigue, and hypoxia;

* In patients with Traumatic Brain Injury creatine supplementation reduced the duration of post-traumatic amnesia, improved post-traumatic headaches, dizziness and fatigue, dysarthria, and lingual problems of understanding.

Do you suffer from mental fatigue or fatigue in general?  Most people do post-infection. Could you use a boost in memory and cognitive performance?  If so, you will benefit from the Creatine supplementation found in the Brain Variant.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of Creatine you can read the paper for yourself here: