Introducing Active Variant - The First Suppliment Stack Designed To Aid Your Infecttion Fight

Introducing Active Variant - The First Suppliment Stack Designed To Aid Your Infecttion Fight


By now we have all had the experience.  You tested positive. Now what?  There must be something I can do to help, you think to yourself. And yet, your only options are Zicam ( just Zinc, first launched in the 1980’s) or a bulk immunity supplement (mostly Vitamin C) Really? That’s it?

Not anymore. CVD Labs has just launched the Active Variant, the first modern supplement stack designed specifically to aid your body in battling an infection, the Fight in our motto Prepare - Fight - Recover.

Now we want to be clear.  The Active Variant is not a treatment for Covid-19 or any other cold or flu.  It is a nutritional supplement designed to give you the nutrients your body needs during an infection. With that said, let us introduce you to some ingredients you may not be familiar with and the evidence supporting their use during your infection.

High Dose Vitamin D3

One of the most essential nutrients for immune health, Vitamin D3 supplementation has been shown in multiple clinical trials to reduce the likelihood of infection and improve clinical outcomes. 50,000 IU of D3 is included in the Active Variant to maximize the benefits.

A recent meta analysis of five clinical trials concluded the following: “Vitamin D administration results in a decreased risk of death and ICU admission (standardized mean difference (95% CI): 0.49 (0.34–0.72) and 0.28 (0.20–0.39), respectively)... the protective role of vitamin D and ICU admission showed that, since the pooling of the studies reached a definite sample size, the positive association is conclusive.”

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 should always be taken alongside Vitamin D3 to maximize metabolism and the beneficial effects of Vitamin D3.  Further, Vitamin K2 deficiency is predictive of poor outcomes in infection as it plays a vital role in the immune system as well as being anti-inflammatory.


Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many plants and foods such as red wine, green tea and onions.  It is a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral. Clinical trials have shown that supplementation with Quercetin may reduce infection severity and duration.

A recent clinical trial concluded Quercetin supplementation “statistically shortens the timing of molecular test conversion from positive to negative, reducing at the same time symptoms severity and negative predictors of COVID-19.”


Often recommended to cancer patients, Luteolin is a flavonoid with antioxidant, anticancer antiinflammatory and antiviral effects.  These benefits translate to improved immune and cardiovascular performance. While not yet tested in human clinical trials for Covid-19, multiple studies have demonstrated an in-vitro effect.


Found in Green Tea, ECEG (epigalolocatechin-3-gallatte) is a catechin with multiple benefits to aid your body during infection. ECEG is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. Multiple studies have shown the potential for EGCG to reduce SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro.    


Zinc is a well established supplement to help reduce the duration and severity of common infections. Some clinical studies suggest Zinc supplementation can reduce the average cold by 2 days.

Vitamin C 

Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. Vitamin C is also synergistic with Quercetin There is evidence that Vitamin C and Quercetin co-administration exerts a synergistic antiviral action in part due to the capacity of Vitamin C to recycle quercetin, increasing its efficacy.


L-Arginine is essential to maintain immune homeostasis, especially in terms of T cell and macrophage function. L-Arginine levels can get depleted during infection as your body fights.  In a recent clinical trial, adding oral L-arginine to standard therapy in patients with severe COVID-19 significantly decreased the length of hospitalization and reduced the respiratory support at 10 days after starting supplementation.

Together these ingredients comprise the most comprehensive supplement stack on the market, designed specifically to aid in your infection fight. The Active Variant should be taken at the first sign of illness.  You take 3 pills, once in the morning and again once at night, always with food, for 5 days.  If your symptoms are not improving, check with your healthcare provider about treatments.