Spermidine, Senecence & Angiogensis

Spermidine, Senecence & Angiogensis


A new paper published on May 23rd, 2023 in Nature Scientific Reports details for the first time the role of Spermidine in Angiogenesis and its relation to Autophagy and Senescence.  Ok.  That's a mouthful.  What does it mean?

First, some vocabulary.  Angiogenesis is the body's capacity to create new blood vessels.  You may think that your vascular system is all laid out, it isn’t, it's constantly reshaping itself as your body grows, changes and ages. Angiogenic capacity declines with age contributing to cardiovascular health decline. A really great paper describing this process is here: Understanding angiogenesis during aging: opportunities for discoveries and new models, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6737456/

Senescence is the process of growing old, but here we mean cellular senescence which is when a cell loses its capacity for cell division, this is correlated with a decline in cellular health and function, ultimately leading to cell death or Apoptosis. Senescent cells are less Angiogenic.

And of course, Spermidine - one of the key ingredients in CVD Labs, Immune, Cardio and Brain Variants - is an Autophagy inducing polyamine, meaning it improves the natural process of catabolizing intracellular components.  Cellular recycling is a good way to think about it.

So now you have the vocab, the very simple summary of this incredible study is that Spermidine supplementation - increased Autophagy - triggering improved Angiogenic performance of Senescent vascular endothelial cells, both in a cell culture model and in mice.

If you have read our previous post on Spermidine (https://cvdsupplements.com/blogs/news/spermidine-the-most-important-supplement-you-have-never-heard-of) you are aware that increased dietary intake of Spermidine decreases cardiovascular risk.  This paper is a detailed demonstration of one mechanism why, namely, Spermidine improves Angiogenesis in Senescent Cells, so as you age your improved vascular system leaves you better protected against cardiovascular diseases. Read more here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-35447-3

Spermidine is one of the most exciting and science backed nutritional supplements available.  It deserves a place in your regimen.  Pick up an Immune, Cardio or Brain Variant from CVD Labs today and get started with regular Spermidine supplementation.