Spermidine - The Most Important Supplement You Have Never Heard Of in 2023

Spermidine - The Most Important Supplement You Have Never Heard Of in 2023


If you read our labels - and you should - you will notice that we include plant-sourced Spermidine in all of our daily supplements, Immune, Cardio & Brain. Why?  In a word, Autophagy.  Autophagy is the process of cellular recycling and clean up. Every time a cell is damaged, which is frequent during an infection, Autophagy is how it is cleaned up. Spermidine increases Autophagy.

You may have heard the phrase “all cause mortality” in recent reports about the pandemic. All cause mortality is one the most objective and reliable endpoints in clinical trials.  Want to know if something works, look at the lifespan of those who take it or do it. Pretty simple when you think about it. However, it is very rare to find anything - a medicine or supplement - that actually accomplishes it.

In one of the most comprehensive studies undertaken on the impact of nutrition on health; the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Survey (2003-2014) it was found that high dietary Spermidine levels are associated with a decreased risk of all cause mortality.

I’ll say that again, increased Spermidine reduced the likelihood of death and increased lifespan.  An incredible finding for a nutritional supplement.

As if that wasn't enough, not only does Spermidine lower all-cause mortality, it reduces cardiovascular disease risk! From the authors: “autophagic capacity decreased with age, leading to a large accumulation of damaged cells and dysfunctional intracellular organelles in the cardiovascular system, thus causing cardiovascular disease. However, intake of more dietary Spermidine and Spermidine-induced autophagy reversed this process, resulting in cardioprotective effects.”  You can read for yourself here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9554131/

Every process in your body, Immune, Cardiac, Neurological is improved when Autophagy is optimized. It makes sense, if your body can take out the trash, it will perform better.  If the cellular processes are gummed up with debris, function will suffer. We will write more about the benefits of Spermidine and highlight some very exciting results in longevity, immunity, cardiology and neurology, but for now you know the most important result: increasing your dietary Spermidine with CVD Labs will help keep you healthy and help you live longer.