Spike Protein and the Brain

Spike Protein and the Brain


Our mission here at CVD Labs is to give you optimal nutritional and nutraceutical supplements to help you prepare, fight, and recover from infection.  We continue to learn more about the consequences of coronavirus spike protein exposure and how to combat it. A new pre-print on BioRxiv from a consortium of researchers across Germany has shed new light on why Brain Fog is such a common symptom of infection. tl;dr it's the spike. 

The authors conclude: “Our results revealed the accumulation of the spike protein in the skull marrow, brain meninges, and brain parenchyma… spike protein alone caused cell death in the brain, highlighting a direct effect on brain tissue… we observed the presence of spike protein in the skull of deceased long after their COVID-19 infection, suggesting that the spike’s persistence may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms.”

You can read for yourself here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.04.04.535604v1

By looking at both tissues from patients that had died from COVID-19 and an animal model the researchers discovered the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is distributed and accumulates in multiple brain tissues and importantly in the brain blood vessels. This distribution is not transient, the spike sticks around; the researchers looked at skull samples from 34 patients who died from non-COVID related causes, 10 had spike protein. The implication is clear, the spike protein accumulates in brain tissue, including skull marrow and can reside for a very long time.

So why does it matter that spike protein is in the brain? The researchers performed a proteomics analysis to identify the consequences to the brain of this accumulation of spike. What they discovered goes a long way in helping us understand why we get Brain Fog. The spike causes a large number of dysregulations consistent with inflammation, neurodegeneration and damage to the blood-brain barrier. Further, they also found evidence of dysregulated coagulation pathways, in many ways similar to the issue seen in the cardiovascular system. The spike protein is cytotoxic and damages your brain tissue.

Prepare - Fight - Recover

Let’s talk about recovery.  CVD Labs was started because we learned how cytotoxic the spike protein was and that your body will need to deal with many exposures.  This paper is just the latest evidence demonstrating how the spike affects our brain.  CVD Labs designed two products to specifically help you recover from spike exposure: the Cardio & Brain Variants.  

The Cardio Variant contains Nattokinase, shown to aid in breaking down the spike protein. But clearing the spike is only one part, the spike travels through and damages your vascular system (including your brain blood vessels) so we added multiple ingredients that aid vascular endothelial function (NAC, Arginine, Taurine & Glutathione) so the spike causes less damage and you recover from that damage faster.

The Brain Variant was designed with two aims, first how can we help you heal from spike exposure and second, how can you combat the negative impacts of Brain Fog while you recover. To heal we included Spermidine and Vitamin K2, both shown to reduce neuroinflammation through improved autophagy and anti-apoptosis respectively. To combat Brain Fog we included multiple orthogonal nootropics (Vinopocetine, Huperzine A, Creatine & a Caffeine/L-Theanine stack) to help you improve your short term memory, cognition and provide an energy boost.