Vitamin D3: Infection, Severity & Recovery in 2023

Vitamin D3: Infection, Severity & Recovery in 2023


The research on Vitamin D3 during the pandemic has come fast and furious. As of right now over 110 studies have been published.  What does it do, why does it work, how much do you need, and when?  It’s OK to be confused. CVD Labs has done the work to make sure you are getting the right amount of Vitamin D at the right time.

Many of these studies deserve a full post and CVD Labs will start making these studies available to you in that format, but first let's start with two Landmark studies that can help you understand the importance of Vitamin D. First up is “Association between Vitamin D supplementation and Covid-19 infection and mortality” published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports. This is an incredible study, it followed over 600,000 patients in the Veterans Administration health system, 200,000 of which received Vitamin D3 supplements.  What they found changed our understanding of the pandemic, those who received Vitamin D3 supplements were:

28% less likely to get infected

33% percent less likely to die.

Importantly, the investigators found that higher dosing of Vitamin D3, than the typical 100 IU, was associated with better outcomes, up to a 50,000IU dose. Finally, the authors concluded that proper Vitamin D3 supplementation could have saved over 116,000 lives in the US during the pandemic.

In part based on these incredible findings, CVD Labs Immunity and Cardio supplements are formulated with 4000IU of Vitamin D3 to ensure your levels are optimized to put your body in the best possible position to avoid infection and to limit the severity of your infection if/when it happens. CVD Labs Active Variant is formulated with 50,000IU of Vitamin D to give your body what it needs during the fight.

The second Landmark study that has influenced us here at CVD Labs is “Protective Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on COVID-19-Related Intensive Care Hospitalization and Mortality: Definitive Evidence from Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis” published in the Journal Pharmaceuticals in January of 2023. As the title indicates, this was a meta-analysis, meaning it pooled the results of many different studies, here the authors looked at 78 published clinical trials on the use of Vitamin D supplementation and outcomes in Covid-19 infection.

The results of this work are important to understand, so we will quote them:

“In conclusion, the positive results highlighted again and now validated by TSAs suggest that an indisputable association between vitamin D supplementation and the protective effect on ICU admission can be considered definitive evidence.”  

Definitive. Indisputable. These are strong words from academics. The take home message is clear, supplementation with Vitamin D3 has a protective effect on the likelihood of getting sick enough to be admitted to the ICU.  You can read for yourself.

So the most current science suggests high doses of Vitamin D can reduce infection, severity, and recovery. Don’t wait. The next wave is coming. Optimize your health - starting today - with our Immunity or Cardio Variants and make sure our Active Variant is in the cabinet ready.